Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024

 Guilty!             Guilty!        Guilty!        Guilty!         Guilty!         Guilty!

 Guilty!              Guilty!        Guilty!        Guilty         Guilty!         Guilty!

 Guilty!              Guilty!        Guilty!        Guilty!         Guilty!         Guilty!

 Guilty!              Guilty!        Guilty!        Guilty!         Guilty!         Guilty!

 Guilty!              Guilty!        Guilty!        Guilty!         Guilty!         Guilty!

 Guilty!              Guilty!        Guilty!        Guilty!         Guilty!         Guilty!

on all 34 counts.




  1. #TrumpIsAConvictedFelon will NEVER get old.

  2. To try and express how much faith in this country was restored in a simple, single moment. No matter what: the system worked the way it was supposed to.
    And on a private note, I had been on the phone with Carolyn and my daughter was blowing up my phone. Hung up with C and checked texts and Mollie sent a headline that #TrumpIsAConvictedFelon and I called Carolyn right back and whooped joy. She whooped too.

  3. Whohooo!! Couldn't happen to a nicer orange monster. Although, on the news here they did add that ?? (i didn't hear who) wasn't going to stop him from running for President. I only heard part of the story but I would have thought that if he was convicted, doesn't that mean he can't run? Fingers crossed!!

    1. Lea: the joke is that as a convicted felon he can't vote but he can run for president. Talk about American stupidity.

    2. Seriously? Damn. I'm guessing it depends on the crime though, right? I couldn't imagine if he had killed someone he'd be allowed to go ahead (once he'd done his time). Let's just hope that the guilty vote sways a few more to go the other way, although I doubt it ;(

    3. The true irony is that many Black and Brown people (as in, hundreds of thousands) are disenfranchised for life, often when they are very young and still ineligible to vote, because individual states get to decide what's a felony, and a racist and classist system decides who is a felon for life. That's one of the ways white men have historically kept control of everything in the Southern states, with the wealthy white men of the Northern states following suit enthusiastically. So there is a significant segment of the population which has never been allowed to vote, ever: make them felons at sixteen or seventeen, and you get their taxes without their input forever more.

      Meanwhile, white men born to privilege can scam their way through life, without consequences--until two days ago, the orange rump still had the right to vote, even tough it was proven that in at least two elections he voted fraudulently. Even without the vote, he still has money (though never as much as he claims) and the influence (both with the MAGA cult and those behind the scene who want to use him to gain power themselves) to influence policy to his benefit.


      (apologies for hijacking your comments, Lori)

    4. The world is going to hell and it's not gonna be a fun ride :( Sad state of affairs all around.
