Saturday, May 25, 2024

Potato Salad

 I have too many potatoes. So with too many potatoes the answer is potato salad.

My mother used to make potato salad. She would use potatoes, hard boiled eggs, scallions with mayo and salt and pepper. Very plain. But good.

When I moved in with M & M, Myrna made potato salad. She added chopped pickles, a little vinegar, some mustard, a ton of seasonings and some other chopped veggies. I didn't like it. It was too busy and I missed the simplicity of my mother's.

So today I'm making some and I'll make the potato salad my mother made but from Myrna I'll add mustard, some dill and maybe a tiny tiny bit of red pepper (maybe not). 

It's Memorial Day weekend so a good time to cook a little extra and make a special something or another. 

Kitten update: We have reason to think it's a boy (sadly). However, although the kitten hasn't gotten comfortable with me yet, my daughter the cat whisperer guided me to getting the cat closer and friendlier. By the end of this weekend I intend that we'll be friends.

So: share your potato salad recipe, if you would. I'd love some new ideas.


  1. I'll be up for dinner in a jiffy. Tornadoes notwithstanding lol. We always used to make spud salad with just potatoes, onions and mayo - boring, right? But my ex sister in law added boiled egg to hers and now it's an auto in. How about some diced bacon bits, or chorizo? Not a lot, just enough for a little every second bite or so? Might have to try adding gherkins (dill pickles) to ours, sounds good :)

  2. I once tried a recipe that someone accidentally invented when they cooked the potatoes too long, called Smashed Potato Salad. I thought it was really good! But I don't usually make PS.
