Friday, May 24, 2024

Bits and Bobs and Bridgerton

So I went to sit on the steps outside my apartment with my 2 cats and out of nowhere this kitten shows up. Checks us out and walks away. Then comes back. And then walks into my apartment like she owns the place. Which maybe she does.

Anyway: I have 3 cats. I never argue when a cat chooses me.

Mollie gave notice at her job and is one step away from getting a new job and her current job sent her an email that they just got a contract that will involve working with K-Pop groups in Korea. She's screaming. Her job (boss) is really toxic but this could be a dream come true.

Has anyone besides me watched Bridgerton? This is Season 3 and it's Colin and Penelope and it's both adorable AF and annoying. The other seasons had burning love and desire and Colin and Pen have been circling each other since Season 1, Episode 1 so the lack of build-up was pretty apparent. And I know the big part of their story happens after their engagement but it was still a little bit of a let down.

Although I cannot wait until June 13 when the next 4 episodes drop.


  1. oh, damn, that's a low blow for Miz Mollie's plans!

    Cats: I thought you had three already? Murder, Wednesday and George...? did I miss something? At any rate, the new cat is gorgeous. (Okay, she's a cat, of course she is)

    Bridgerton: I plan on getting Netflix for one month after the second part of season 3 drops, and then binge the first three seasons, and Queen Charlotte, in one go before dropping the subscription again.

  2. George, it turns out, had a home with a neighbor. Obviously not a very considerate one but still his home. I do see him around the property. He and Wednesday seem to chum around a little.

    The kitten came from nowhere and is ravenous. Also not litter box trained so every reason to believe she's feral. She's all over the apartment but scared of me.

    1. oh poor kitty! Fingers crossed for the litter box training as much as the trust thing--because a cat that's not litter trained...ouch.

  3. Here kitty kitty... ;) Tell the truth - you had snacks just inside the door to get her in, right? LOL

    As to Bridgerton, watched five minutes of first show and couldn't turn it off fast enough. not my cup of tea but good luck to you on viewing.

    I've been watching 911 and 911-Lonestar and you know what I've learnt? That I won't be coming up to see you any time soon. Between, tornadoes, tsunamis, firestorms, earthquakes, blizzards, lava storms and the potential of having the orange one back in power, it's not safe. I think y'all need to come down here. We might have the most venomous critters on the planet but unless you go looking for them, you're ok ;)

  4. Lea, if your summers weren’t practice for residency in Hell, I might consider.

    1. True enough and yet...LOL Besides, we have air con ;)
