Sunday, May 5, 2024

Explain the Scam

 So today in my mailbox there were the 10,000 mailings from my insurance company (I swear to whatever, they send 3 mail pieces a week), my Protect Trans Kids t-shirt and a fake diamond ring from China.

I did not order a fake diamond ring. I did not pay for a fake diamond ring. I thought maybe Lea got me a fake diamond ring since we claim to be frouses (friend/spouse) but she said it was not from her. Now was it from Carolyn or Mollie.

Online search turned up ... a scam? Other people have received the same ring with the same information and the same reference number. It says it's a 1 carat moissanite ring and although the stone looks really good, the ring part is like a 2 dollar band.

So it's a scam of some sort. But it's a nice ring. What exactly is the scam? 

1 comment:

  1. This is what I found:

    They probably harvested your name and address from another business from which you did order something at some point; sadly, our information is never safe once we have put it out there. I doubt the stone is actually valuable, but I'm glad it's at least pretty. (down the thread they talk about the stones being made in India or China, not zirconia but not actual mossanite either)

    The one thing I would not do is trying to contact any return address, just in case.
