Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Daughter's Day

 Today in the US it's Mother's Day and in Japan it's my daughter's birthday. This is quite a day for reflection and celebration.

When I became a mother and realized that Mother's Day and Mollie's birthday were always going to come at the same time, I chose to make Mother's Day unimportant. To me, I remember many birthday's being ruined as a child because my narcissist mother made it about her. I wanted it to be about Mollie. It was so important that she feel special.

But it was never quite that way. Mollie always celebrated Mother's Day and I've never had her make it less. And it's never taken away from her birthday because it just doesn't work that way. I guess when you're emotionally healthy you can make these choices.

Anyway, Mollie is 23 years old today. She has a party planned for next Saturday which is going to be amazing. She rented a "conference room" which has sitting areas and make-up tables. There will be cosplay, food and alcohol. Karaoke and games and pictures. 

She's going through some challenges right now: she gave notice at work and is currently interviewing. It's going to be okay. And her getting out of a really toxic environment is so important. 

Anyway, it's a special day. Being Mollie's mom has been the most joyful part of my life and still being her mom and sharing her life is wonderful and exciting. I celebrate her daily but on a joint celebration day like today I'm filled with happiness and gratitude.


  1. It was Mother's Day here too :) Happy belated Mother's Day to you and all your readers who are mothers, in whatever form that takes. I hope it was a good one.

    Happy birthday to Miss Mollie! 23? Where did the time go? I think she was about six when we first 'met'... Damn I feel old lmao. Her party sounds excellent and I hope she has a wonderful time. Pictures, please lol. Also, sending good vibes to her about a new job. I'm sure she will find hte perfect fit. When you go to visit her, give her a big hug from Aunty Lea xx

