Thursday, April 18, 2024

No More Boxes

 There are no more boxes in my home. All the furniture covers are washed and on the furniture. There is no more else to buy and my spending is now coming to a close and we are back to no buy.

I have a few more "chores" to do. Art needs to be back up but I'm having a problem deciding where I want it. And my kitchen needs a little more organization. I have a few things that have no place to go but I want to keep them.

Interesting tidbit: for the last 2 years I've been living in pajama pants and t-shirts. So comfortable. And since I work from home, it just makes sense. But recently I've been eschewing the pajama pants and wearing real pants again.

I don't know why.

Another tidbit: my cat Wednesday Addams (who is a biter) is slowly transitioning to cuddling. She sleeps against me and I've started giving her kisses and she's tolerating them. I doubt she'll ever stop biting but it's nice to see sweetness from her.

I sent 7 boxes of girl scout cookies to my office with a note and only one coworker said thank you. Kind of done doing that.

I'm trying to train my brain to not linger on family issues. When I start to ruminate, I'm trying to distract myself. This old dog is going to learn new tricks.

And Mollie and I are watching Avatar; the Airbender, the original cartoon and it's awesome. I'm completely invested. Team Zuko all the way.


  1. Yay for no more boxes!
    Yay for cuddlier Wednesday! (some cats do show their affection with "love bites"--I don't get it, but, well. Cats--so it may be she is just loving like that.)
    I sent 7 boxes of girl scout cookies to my office with a note and only one coworker said thank you. Kind of done doing that." ....oh man, do I feel this. How do I feel this.
    Family: must preface by saying that this is not a serious suggestion, but I wonder if it would work for you to do the equivalent of a swear jar? Like, every time you catch yourself dwelling on something that hurts you, you have to put a dollar/five dollars/whichever arbitrary amount in a jar/savings account/whatever? (not serious because I think "every time you realize you are dwelling on hurtful/harmful things, go do something that gives you joy instead" would be a much better way to rewire your brain than punishment--unless one desperately wants to save money for a specific goal)
    Sending hugs your way.

    1. That's a funny idea except I never have cash. Man, I would be a rich woman if I paid myself for every time I got lost in angry/sad thoughts regarding my family. Honestly, I'm trying to recognize the moments when it comes up and then either pick up a book, turn on the TV or give a cat a cuddle.
      Az, please tell me that all those marvelous little ornaments you made for coworkers weren't appreciated. That would be heartbreaking.

    2. Ornaments: well, there were thirty plus ornaments made, five people acknowledged them and four thanked me.

      Mind you, some people go to the office once every few months, so it's possible by the time they found them on their desks they a) don't notice them (cleaning clue or a co-worker may move them out of sight), or b) feel awkward about mentioning it.

      (I tell these two to myself, because I know I'll make more holiday tokens for holiday season this year--it's a compulsion--and I need to stop expecting any acknowledgement, I'll just be grateful I don't get to see if they trash them.)

  2. Many years ago I bought someone at work flowers and later found them in the garbage. I think I was just disappointed. Oh well. People will always remind us why cats are awesome.
