Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Mahalo Means Thank You

 Mahalo ladies for being there. 

Yesterday was a hard day. My boss started off first thing in the morning by slamming me in various emails (the new RN quit after 2 weeks and I'm his usual target in those situations). Then right after that I saw the apartment I was not moving into and then a neighbor asked me for a ride and she ran over an hour late and I had laundry to do and my knees hurt...

Yesterday sucked in all sorts of small ways.

Today is starting to look a little better. I'm trying to see the opportunity in this as a chance to keep doing what I was doing and continue to clean everything out and rearrange the entire apartment. Plus there are things about this apartment I hate to give up: 2 excellent views (one of the ocean) as well as a delightful cross breeze. And my amazing neighbors. 

Anyway, there's always something positive to find and even though I want to crawl into bed and sob awhile, I think this is okay.


  1. Sometimes we need to give in, crawl in bed and sob for a bit. And once we've let some of the misery out of our system, we can get back out, and keep going.

    Mahalo, Lori; you keep showing us how to get back up and at it.

    1. I was going to say the exact same thing. It's okay to take a bed break if you need it. But also good to try and stay positive. So you're fine with us either way. 😊❤️

  2. Mahalo to you too lovely. Move over, I'm coming to bed with you and I have snacks...

    You need for me to talk to your boss? You don't need to take crap for his crappiness at others. That's just not manners.

    Love ya long time xx

  3. God, you guys are the best.
