Friday, January 28, 2022

My Angel

 The morning I was leaving to go to Maui, my neighbor (I'm in 312, she's in 310) was outside smoking and on her phone. She saw me and my suitcase and jumped into Angel mode. Carried my suitcase down out steps and up to the top courtyard, she took my bag of garbage to throw out and she wished me a good trip.

This is the same neighbor who has carried my boxes to my apartment when I was moving in and struggling.

The entire time I was in Maui , I thought of her. How much easier she's made things  for a stranger. How much pain she saved  me from.

So what does Maui have, I wondered, that our island doesn't? And my co-worker said Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It's the only island that has them.

So yesterday before I got on a plane, we went to Krispy Kreme. Then I came home. And carried those doughnuts to her door and knocked and no one was home. An hour later, still no one home. Last time I checked was about 8pm and then I went to sleep.

This morning I work up and immediately went to check if lights were on and they weren't. Well damn. But a few moments later there was a knock on my door and I opened it to my angel.

I swear the exchange was:

Angel: Auntie, I saw you outside and knew you were home. The mailman left a box outside your door and I grabbed it so it wouldn't get stolen.

Me: You're an angel.

Angel: So here's your box.

Me: Here's some Krispy Kreme from Maui because you're an Angel.

Us: beaming at each other.

How does a stranger have so much love and care inside her heart? And how much must I be loved by the universe that I'm in 312 and she's in 310?


  1. You deserve every bit of this love (I type, teary-eyed, because by golly, you deserve so many good things coming to you, Lori)

  2. Aww, bless! they say certain people come into your lives just when you need them and it sounds like this 'Angel' is that person for now. How very awesome that you thought of each ohter without needing a prompt from anyone else. Mystical wonderfulness in all its glory.

    PS - save me a donut, I'm on my way up... ;)

