Saturday, January 15, 2022

Men On TikTok


Yesterday I was depleted. I've been working 10 hour days, trying to do the work of two different jobs while being pulled into surgeries and doing the work of yet a third different job and I hit the wall. Hard. I was scattered, crying, unable to concentrate... again in a place of great vulnerability and easy pickings. 

Perfect time for a little gaslighting and manipulation from a man who doesn't always hide his misogyny well. And even while it was happening, I saw each gambit for what it was. Interesting moment. Never would have flown if I wasn't already so depleted.

Anyway, the real thing was that last night I climbed into bed with my phone and TikTok'd myself into a stupor. And it was so fascinating. Because my FOR YOU page changes all the time and last night it was a lot of videos of men fighting other men about how they treat women. It was men talking about how they love curves and thick thighs. It was unabashed love from men who see women as more than a conquest and more like the princess in the tower. She isn't in that tower because she can't get out: she's in that tower because there's nothing to come out for.

Men really suck. Not all men (heh). But once you recognize the pervasiveness of the patriarchy and understand that it benefits most men and they celebrate it... I mean come on, Men suck.

Anyway, watching men on a public forum celebrate womanhood, especially after the day I had, was amazing. Every man who showed a video from a larger woman and complimented her, every man who exposed the ragged misogyny of the small-dick brigade, they felt like my warriors last night.

I've had very few people in my life who truly had my back. Even less that would do battle for me. Seeing these men, knowing they're out there and willing to burn it all down gave me some hope.

Not all men are hate women. Thank God. 


  1. Good to know there are some good ones out there. Maybe now we won't have to write so many...
