Sunday, March 10, 2024

WTF Is Happening Right Now?

 I do not believe any of this is normal. I am cursed with chaos.

On Friday, I spent the morning in the ER and then came home still in pain. I went to work, because Mama needs to keep the kitties in kibble. I worked 4 hours and then couldn't do more.

I knew I could put in some extra time on the weekend if I wanted but I didn't want. My body needs rest. I need rest. I need to to get this leg stronger and without pain. I need to lie in bed and elevate my leg. I need to ice my knee and ankle. I need to put a heating pad on my calf (I figured out from the calf pain that it's a pulled muscle).

On Saturday my office manager texts me that the doctor has decided to work all day Monday and he needs a schedule. I'm currently the one viable employee (as mentioned before: one new employee without computer training and one medical assistant without competence). 

So I worked. I filled the doctor's schedule for Monday. I sent out some faxes and that was it.

Today is Sunday. My doctor texted me at 10am that he was catching a plane for the mainland for a family emergency. I need to cancel all his patients for the week.

Consider this: on Saturday I called a whole bunch of people and scheduled them and then Sunday I called the same people to put them all back where they were originally. And I also called the procedure patients to let them know so they could change plans because they have scheduled time off work and arranged with other people to drive them and whatnot.

This isn't normal. And the worst part of it was that this week originally was closed t then he changed his mind and decided to work. So he has reverse Uno'd every situation going on this week.

I'm just trying to decide what to do about compensation. I spent an hour on the phone on a Sunday morning. Do I charge 2 hours because that's my minimum work time or do I ask for time and a half? I am not letting this be treated as normal or okay.


1 comment:

  1. Double time, two hours minimum.

    Because you had to work on a Sunday, and because you are the one who had to face the patients' (very justified) wrath over all the fuckery--and because fuck them leaning so hard on you without any regard for your own health issues.
