Thursday, March 21, 2024

Dribs, Drabs and Sugar skulls

I wish I knew how other people's brains work. Have you ever wondered whether we all think the same way or are there a million different ways we process and play with information? Are we primarily all the same or primarily all completely different?

Last night I was lying in bed, listening to music and I thought of this wonderful little statuette Target had sold out of Halloween that I wanted. So I checked out Target to see if it was there (it wasn't) but I started looking at other Day of the Dead merchandise which then sent me to Pinterest to look at Day of the Dead pins which then I ended up at Amazon and saw a lovely statuette that had only 1 in stock and I bought it and then I thought that maybe in my new apartment I could dedicate a corner to my Day of the Dead stuff (I do love sugar skulls and the colors and the Americanized version of it all) (I don't know if appreciation and appropriation go hand in hand).

Anyway, I spent a lovely time in bed then looking at altars and flowers and I redecorated my apartment in my head for the 10,000th time and ...  Is this how everyone's brains work?

I don't think I'll be moving anytime soon. I forgot I live in Hawaii which means Hawaii time which means that on the end of the month the current tenants move out. Then the apartment stands empty for awhile. Then they go in to clean. Maybe tear out a cabinet or replace something. Depends on the shape of it. Anyway, nothing is ever a rush and I realized that they'll be gone by April 1 but the apartment probably won't be ready till May 1. The apartment next door to me has been empty for 2 months now and I don't think they've ever gone in and cleaned it yet.

So today is Thursday and I started work with turning on my computer and finding emails from 3 of my coworkers asking me to accomplish tasks for them. I almost called out on the spot.

Oh well. We will survive.


  1. On moving: not ideal, but more time to recover from the fall is not the worst thing, is it?

    Brains: I believe that there are broad groups of people whose brains work fairly similarly (nature), but our lived experience colors how we see the world and how we function in it too (nurture).

    (Also, that meandering thought train from "remember that thing I coudln't buy?" to "and this is how I want my new space to look/feel like" feels fairly normal to me)

    Work: gah!!!!!

  2. Umm, how did you get out of Pinterest? I go in for a few minutes to find a picture I need to inspire me and three hours later, I've saved hundreds, bookmarked others for things I think I need (but don't really and will likely forget the book mark anyway lol) and run out of time to do what i was doing before I went down the rabbit hole.

    I do 'sort/picture/decorate' in my mind (I'm doing it now with the room I'm in, which needs decluttering badly) which is thankfully free because the items I need to sort things - shelving, boxes, etc - are things I can't afford right at the minute. I also have no will to do it, when I'm stressing over Dad and getting him settled. I guess it will happen when it happens.

    As to moving, AL is right - the slowness will help you get over your fall a little more and you won't be rushing and overdoing things to get it done in a week. I hope it does get sorted soon though.

    Work - umm, don't swear at me, young lady! LOL blech...
