Sunday, March 24, 2024



4B is a Feminist movement that was originated in South Korea in 2019. Its members renounce four major activities, which include the following: sex with men, child-rearing, dating men, and marriage with men

 Have you heard about this? Korean women got so tired of the daily misogyny and patriarchal society that they just decided to step out. And it's growing. The American marriage rate dipped the lowest it's been in 2021 and although it's a little higher right now, it's still low.

The world birthrate  has declined that they predict between 2050 - 2100 we will not have enough humans to replace the ones who pass away. Or more specifically: as the population ages, a new hive of worker bees won't be enough to pay for the retirement and aging of that population.

Kind of explains the war on women, doesn't it?

Women are opting out more. When I grew up, the norm was have a man and make babies. Even if you had goals for a career, we were men-centric. The world is (and has been) men-centric always, And finally women are asking: "what's in it for me?"

It's fascinating really. Men really have taken it for granted that when they're ready there'll be a woman just waiting to get a ring and a baby in her belly. And it turns out that those women aren't there anymore.

And again: it's the current system that created this. Each generation has been given less and less. College costs are out of control. The housing market is a shell game. Wages haven't gone up but groceries and gas have. Women have to work. Stay at home moms are rare because nowadays most homes can't survive on a single salary.

Women have to work and if they have babies, they have to raise their children and take care of the home and do all the labor and even typing that out is exhausting. I just think of my brother coming home and putting his stuff on the kitchen counter as he walked through the house and his wife calling him out. "Put your garbage in the garbage can. Put your glass in the sink." And he put his glass next to the sink and moved his garbage to the end of the counter and walked out. And she complained but she threw away his garbage and put his glass in the sink.

Women need partners, not overgrown children who demand sex. And social media is playing a big part in that. The number of videos showing up of men not delivering again and again. The number of women who are at wit's end because they can't even take a shower for 10 minutes because their husband isn't willing to watch his own kids or be present for his own family even during the time it takes their wife to shower.

Women don't have man sized holes in their lives anymore. Single women live longer, happier lives. Married men live longer, happier lives. Married women don't. 

Then these men take to social media or regular media and complain about male loneliness and male suicide rates because women are no longer willing to give up their own lives to improve a man's life. And the obvious solution of teaching men personal responsible and helping them get the emotional growth necessary to live as a single adult isn't being discussed enough because men are never responsible for their own unhappiness.

Anyway, I'm just fully invested in this situation right now because after so many years feeling like a failure for never having married, I'm gobsmacked by how much misery I was probably saved. (Not being a huge fan of compromise, I would have hated marriage.) But also because as I've started to understand the global picture (the fastest growing population is Niger, therefore more black people than white people and you know that fact is causing coronaries right now) the Republican pushback against birth control and IVF and reproductive freedom starts to make excellent sense. 

They really do need more white babies. And women need less of those 200 pound, bearded babies who refuse to wash the dishes or share responsibility.

Storm clouds are gathering. It's going to get really interesting around here.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds you heard were my inchoate screaming agreement with so much here.

    So much, I had to write my own post (here
