Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday Woes

 My cat Wednesday is disappeared. It's my fault: I leave the front door open while I work so the cats can wander, and what they usually do which is sit in the doorway and watch the world. I also have high perches at 3 different windows for those nosey Parkers.

But Wednesday left at some point and hasn't come home. This same thing happened with Murder when I started letting him out, he did an overnighter once and then came home and never did it again.

So I do think Wednesday will come home. But I'm going to worry until she does.


I'm taking a stranger out for a meal today or tomorrow. 

Jack, Mollie's HR manager, is in Hilo right now for a couple of days and Mollie asked me to take him out and she asked him to carry food back to Japan for her. Ha. She's a cunning one, my child. 

So I need to buy Mollie a shitload of Rice a Roni type foods because she's an addict as well as chocolate bars and Cheetos. Apparently Japanese Cheetos taste like shit.


I've had really wonderful energy for the last few days and today the energy went on the fritz. I was tired, had trouble concentrating, was a little pissy. And the funny thing is that I've been doing a wonderful decluttering job and my apartment is starting to feel so good and right. So this energy frazzle was unexpected and hard to handle.

I feel a lot more like myself recently. Instead of thinking "yeah, I should get that done sometime:, I've been doing a lot. The chaos in my brain doesn't reflect in my living space and the more comfortable and happy my space feels, the more I feel like Lori again.

I've been reading so much too. I finished Blackbird & Butcher which was wonderful and then read The Ladies Rewrite the Rules which was a sweet historical that was like a dessert. Not filling but very tasty and enjoyable.

And Carolyn downloaded a series of short stories called Meet Cute or something like that but it's like meet cutes on Valentines Day and the first 2 were wonderful, the third was good and the fourth sucked donkey balls. There are 2 more I think but I might try something else because I want something a little meatier.

Send love and return vibes for Wednesday. She a biter, a constant meower and I adore her so I want her home safe.


  1. All fingers crossed for Wednesday's safe return--and may she be forever cured of her love of the outside.

    Here's to a good lunch with Mollie's coworker.

    ::more vibes all around::

  2. Oh no! Hope hope hope she'll be okay.
