Friday, January 12, 2024

I'm a Terrible, Horrific, Nightmare of a Mother

 Mollie is having some stress currently. Job issues, Visa needs to be renewed, other things... I'm 100% committed to being there for her. I know she can get through all this and it's just a lot of stuff. She needs to learn to take one step at a time and ultimately everything gets done.

I remind myself of this all the time. One step after another and then you've passed the finish line.

So Mollie needs to learn how to handle all the crazy and she will. It's a great skill. And I love her and want to give her anything she needs.

But... well, I've mentioned that she can always come home. We can get a 2 bedroom apartment. We can have too many cats and I'll have someone to cook for and be with and I'd be so happy. 

So I've mentioned it. I'm not banging on it but it's there. And it's especially in my head right now. I want her to come back to Hawaii. 

So this mother is admitting that for the first time since my daughter left home, I'm trying to get her back. I'm not pushing because honestly, Japan is cool and she's happy there. But if she ever chose to come home I'd be over the moon.

Over the fucking moon.


  1. You are a good mother and a good person, and knowing one has a place to go back to, unconditionally? It's such a gift.


  2. You are not neither! You're not pushing, you're offering.

    I struggle so much with this, making myself step back as my daughter becomes independent, when I want her with me forever. 😊 She's drinking with friends tonight for the very first time and I'm a wreck! But I gave her the best advice I could--and some cash--and I'm hoping she has a wonderful time.

    1. Willa, so what happened? Did she have a good time?
