Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Romantic Suspense

So, Lori is heroine-centric and I'm hero-centric.

Lori doesn't care for romantic suspense and I love it.

I think there might be a correlation.

Most suspense heroines are strong, if not kickass, but let's face it, the heroes are usually in charge. Big, strong and handsome and up to every trick in the book as far as fighting and strategy is concerned. They're usually ex-military - SEAL or some other acronym; or are in law enforcement. Whichever, they keep up their muskles and their truly eye popping abs. Sometimes I wish a heroine would fall for a swimmer-type body.

The good stuff is when the strong heroine butts heads with the alpha hero. This can make for some damn good dialogue.

I like the action in these books. There's not a whole lot of internal dialogue (depending on the author) but there is a whole lot of showing not telling.

And the heroes.  *Sigh*  They are so damn tough, so dangerous and hardened, and yet with the heroines they can be gentle, nurturing and caring. I love the contrast.

I eagerly latch on to just about every romantic suspense I come across. I wish I could get Lori to try one, such as Laura Griffin or Linda Howard.

Still, there's lots of genres out there to read so I'm not going to fret.

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