Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The World at Large

 I had a doctor's appointment today and was asked if I'm depressed or anxious. "Have you watched the news lately?" I responded.

It feels like we're in a free fall but I don't really think we are. In fact, I don't believe that things are as dire as they feel. And I'm speaking only for myself but here is my thoughts:

Joe Biden is too fucking old to be president. So is Donald Trump. And that's something that needs to be addressed when the House & Senate are blue: age limits on civil servants, term limits on civil servants. 

Project 2025 exists. And word is getting out to the country that this is what they have planned. JD Vance has also been very vocal about wanting an extreme abortion ban and an end to no-fault divorce.  Nobody is going to let him back step on his earlier words. They can scrub their websites but the internet is forever.

I truly don't believe that in November that women, youths, people who are not already MAGA will vote for Trump. I will not believe it. Everyone will be disadvantaged by Project 2025. Everyone will lose rights. Will lose access to healthcare, to education.

This entire ridiculousness regarding Biden dropping out will fade. Let it happen now while we still have 4 months before elections. Other things will happen. Biden is already out there fighting and stepping up. He'll continue to do so. 

Kamala Harris is joyfully being given someone inherently inferior to run against. She should mop the floor with him in a debate. JD Vance is an excellent foil for Kamala Harris.

Hell: JD Vance apparently called the Democratic Party a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable and want the rest of the country to be miserable with them.  I mean, if that's the platform you want to run on: We Hate Women and Cats, then do it. 

The thing I believe is that more people are good than not. More people support women's autonomy. More people support gay marriage. More people support equal rights for all Americans. 

And if Trump wins? I'm moving to Japan to teach English and live with my daughter.                             


  1. You speak for me too. But sometimes it's hard not to be depressed. :-(

    1. It is hard not to be depressed, but someone I admire a great deal said just a couple of days ago that (paraphrasing some) they'll do what they can, every day from now until election day to ensure trump doesn't win. They aren't a Biden fan, but the alternative is simply to terrible to consider, so they'll do something, whatever they can, however small, every day until election day, to ensure the terrible doesn't come to pass. And then, every day after that, they'll do something else, something more, to make sure we move away from the precipice.

      I think that's all any one of us can do: do something, what we can, however small, to make sure the rotten bag of toxic waste and his cadre of foul refuse don't win--ever again.

  2. I signed up to volunteer to reach out to voters. I haven’t volunteered in years but I’m not sitting quietly here. And I will print up the Project 2025 and pass it to people who haven’t heard of it.
