Monday, July 1, 2024

Overdrawn, Overwhelmed

Unless Joe Biden wins the presidency again, our country is over. The Supreme Court handed Presidential Immunity to Donald Trump, a ticket to dictatorship if he wins a second term.

We thought we were playing on a level playing field... maybe we were. Maybe the problem was that we were concentrating on the game we were playing while our opponents were focusing on the championship. 

And they used the Supreme Court to get it. 

I'm completely gutted. I know there are people out there explaining in great detail how this won't mean anything but they're completely wrong. Donald Trump will get away with his crimes. He will try to illegally steal the next election and whether successful or not, he will face no punishment.

We are going to see weaponization of the government to suit one political party and all of those rights people fought so hard to win, will disappear.

Corporations will win. People will not.

America is losing everything that made America great. 

This is the beginning of the most important fight of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how he's not coming out now and talking about how corrupt the system is or saying it's rigged, now that he's had this win. Believe me, I'm just as scared for you. On the one hand, those who vote him in get what they deserve but in the mean time, the decent and good people get shafted. It's not right. I often hear about how America is the most powerful nation etc etc and yet they let that fool run and win, only to now give him another chance. What's so great about that?

    I know nothing of politics or what the parties do or don't offer but seriously, that man is one bad day away from pushing the wrong button and you're all fucked.

    Come down here. Our pollies are next to useless as well (our PM is rarely here, for one thing) but they're nothing like the orange maniac. I seriously do worry for y'all.

