Wednesday, July 24, 2024

And an Extra $500 to Keep Your Cat Alive

Murder, aka Murder Mittens had surgery today. I've already heard from the clinic that she did well and there's no problems. She's going to be in pain for awhile but I figure the pain before surgery was probably worse.

So anyway, I took her to the clinic this morning to check her in and and they asked me to pre-pay the estimate amount. That was unusual (is it unusual? It's the first time I've ever been asked to pre-pay a medical service). 

And I filled out the consent forms and on one of the forms it honestly asked if the animal stops breathing during the procedure, do you want CPR administered. And if you choose yes, and it happens, it's another $500 to be paid for that service.

It's honest to God, an extra $500 to keep your pet alive.

I need a fucking nap.


  1. I am glad she's doing well, and oh boy, yes. Oh yes.

    And I'm sorry; sending all the sympathy, having been there myself earlier this year.

  2. Sinceriously? Damn... But we love our fur babies so... A big hug to Murder, and you too, from me xx
