Monday, July 22, 2024

Harris/Whomever 2024

Kamala Harris 2024

I don't want to get into the whole Biden/age debate. He was forced to stand down and he did. But Joe wasn't going to go on their terms. He went on his. He dropped out of the 2024 race and endorsed Kamala Harris immediately. Forced the party into a place I don't think they wanted to go.

Not even the party: the money people. The white men with the deep pockets who run the world through "donations" and "presents". The men who own the Supreme Court and many political figures. They wanted the Democratic party in disarray. They wanted a convention full of fighting for the nomination. Joe Biden stepped on their plans and stated support for Kamala Harris right off the bat.

It was a dare and a promise. And Joe won. 

Pretty much the entire party has backed Kamala. All the candidates from 2020 have given her their endorsement. The only question is who she'll run with. There's some good choices. Unlike the Republicans who have JD Vance, more MAGA than Trump himself, she can choose almost anyone (hopefully with some military service in their history) and represent more Americans than Conservative Crazypants/Conservative Asshole do.

I don't think Kamala can win: I know Kamala can win. She's going to galvanize people. Inspire people. Someone said that Kamala will be the president who will give women their bodily autonomy, and as a black, east Indian woman: that will be amazing and correct to happen.

I think she can inspire young people to vote. Women will see her as their champion. And white women might finally step up and be allies and protectors of black women. We've forced them to the sidelines too long. We've centered ourselves for centuries. It's time to flip the script and Kamala can make that happen.

I believe Joe Biden saved our country after 4 years of a venal, lawless president. It's time for younger, forward seeing leadership and Kamala Harris is the woman.

I stand proudly with Kamala.


  1. I wait with bated breath. I hate how they treated Biden but it does seem like a breath of fresh air has taken the whole country by storm. Interesting times we live in.

  2. <3

    I have been seeing reports of the record-breaking fundraising for VP Harris' campaign in the first 12, then 24 hours after Biden declined the nomination to run again--because the grassroot voters are with her.

    As you said, the wealthy white? not so much. They tried to sabotage the election while clutching their pears, and they'll try to sabotage her, and they can go fuck themselves.

    Here's to President Kamala Harris come January.

    1. And in case you haven't seen this: a zoom call for Black women had a limit of a thousand participants, was full in minutes, so they ask the host to increase the limit: forty four thousand Black women joined, and raised one and half million dollars for her in three hours.

      Then Black men, not to be outdone, more than twenty one thousand Black men organized another zoom, and raised another one million two hundred thousand plus dollars in four hours.

      And the rest of us will get behind these absolute heroes and get her (and a bunch of progressive democrats) elected, by holy gog.

      (link in next reply, in case it goes into moderation)

    2. Here's the piece reporting in The Root, and it links to the previous piece:

  3. I almost want to move up there just so I can vote for her. I hope she wins and wins well. Already on the news down here we've heard how she raised the most money in a day for the campaign and has more in teh wings waiting, so that's a good sign, right?

    The orange arsehat might make jokes about her laugh and think she's not a threat but he's kidding himself. I really, really hope she does get in and helps to make things right, like giving women back the choice over their own bodies.

    Keeping everything crossed and go Kamala!

    1. Oh, he knows she's a threat. He's terrified of her!

    2. And well he should be lol. Just heard on the news that she's two points ahead in the polls - don't know if that's a good thing or not, polls aren't 100% but it's a good sign all the same I reckon.

  4. She's revitalizing the country. I really do believe that there are more good people than bad and the abortion ruling is going to draw a hard line even for many conservatives.

    There are just too many news stories of mother's unable to get life saving care when their pregnancies go sideways because doctors don't want to go to jail. And the 10 and 13 year old children having to carry their father's or uncle's babies to term aren't winning the MAGAs any votes.

    I know I should be cautiously optimist but I'm not. I'm giddy with joy. I believe in this country. I was born in 1958 and grew up "rah rah America" and to see how far down we've slid has broken a piece of me. But the excitement around Kamala is giving life. We need her. We probably don't deserve her but damn, we need her.

    1. Then I hope you get her! She gets my vote. Maybe they can count mine for someone who doesn't vote (an idea that still boggles my mind, given we HAVE to vote down here lol). Fingers still crossed.
