Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The End is Nigh

 So my boss is having me come to Maui next week, train a couple of people in a couple of things they do not know, and then leave. For good. Turn in my computer, phone & scanner. Get the hell out of Dodge. Bye bye Miss American Pie.

I'm feeling all sorts of ways about it. Relief is primary. But there's so many other things. Fear. Excitement. Curiosity.

I've always loved every day I've been off work. But it's always been tempered with the understanding that I would go back to a job. So what happens when every day is Saturday?

I'm not making major retirement goals. In fact, my goals are simple: go to the gym at least twice a week and sit by the ocean at least weekly. Otherwise I'm going to slowly get projects done, work on a cleaning schedule for housework and learn to bake Jewish pastries. 

I don't want to build up the idea of retirement in my head and disappoint myself. This is becoming the "what would you do if you could do anything?" part of my life. Especially since I don't want to climb mountains or jump out of planes. Do I want to paint? Write poetry? Read? Bake bread?

What do you do when your purpose in life changes to just living your life? Going to find out sooner than planned.


  1. Sending you hugs and love, and the hope that you'll find what gives you joy each day.

  2. What AL said xx

    I remember when I had to 'train' people how to do my job but that was because we were all about to get the arse and have the jobs transferred to the Phillipines... At least you're leaving under your own volition and it's good of you to train the newbie. Shame you can't keep the computer though...

    Looking forward to hearing how your baking of Jewish goodies goes and if you do decide to paint, knit or whatever, I hope you share. As to sitting by the beach... move over, I'm on my way, as the Proclaimers once sang lol

    BIG HUGS lovely!! xxx

  3. I hope this is going to be so awesome for you!

    I'm kind of in a permanent state of this weird flux myself, because one week I'll have an almost empty nest and then the next week my kid will have a crisis and need me again. I wish things could just be one or the other!
