Thursday, June 13, 2024

One Million Bridgerton Spoilers

 and my dissatisfaction with the last 4 episodes. 

I am openly and proudly a Polin fan. I love Nicola Coughlan and I’ve adored Penelope. Especially since Penelope is most of us: ignored, silent, faded into the background. So seeing the chubby wallflower with the stars in her eyes become the heroine was a treat for all of us wallflowers. 

And the first four episodes of Season 3 were awesome. I loved watching Colin yearn for Pen. Luke Newton did a brilliant job staring wistfully and longingly at Nicola Coughlan. And Nicola Coughlan’s breasts did a wonderful job heaving. (That woman has amazing breasts, by the way.)

So here I am on the first official day of my retirement. I have chocolate drizzled popcorn, Diet Coke and the last 4 episodes of Season 3 and … spoiler city coming:

It was too busy. Too many storylines. What was all of that?

There was too little Polin loving. In Episode 4 we got the carriage fingering so in Episode 5 we get the lovemaking which included Nicola’s breasts on display (again, gorgeous breasts) as well as more of her which all looked delectable as well as Luke’s amazing ass. I swooned. I grinned. I was greedy for more. 

So why did they spend the rest of the time fussing and sleeping separately? Colin did a 180 and suddenly became a man-child and Penelope blinked away 100 years of tears. I wanted Polin hotness and instead got Polin sogginess. 

And can I mention that Benedict’s story made no sense. I mean, I love the inclusion created in Shondaland’s Bridgerton universe. But there is no way a bisexual member of the ton is going to live a rainbow life in that time period. They fudge a lot but come on… Benedict liking dick is not going to be accepted in any version of the early 1800s unless you’re writing Science Fiction. 

And also what was that ending with Francesca? I liked her romance a lot. Someone had mentioned that she seemed a bit autistic or neurodivergent and that seemed really spot on. So her romance with Kilmartin made sense. But then his cousin showed up and Francesca couldn’t speak to her and in the carriage at the end she looked miserable. Why? What was the purpose of the cousin? Is she there for Eloise? 

I wanted to love it. I loved the first 4 but the following 4 were too busy, too much and not enough Polin loving each other. I was disappointed. 


  1. And now you know why I won't watch lol. Sorry it sucked at the end but that seems to be the way these days. They hook you in and then phone the rest of the show in via a holiday resort they're staying at instead of working.

    Glad you like Nicola's boobs lol I'm pretty sure I've seen her in a show called 'Derry Girls' and her accent (in fact, all of their accents! Can't understand half of what is said). Really funny show. I need to go back and finish watching it. All the girls from it did a celebrity show for the Great British Bake off and it was hilarious lol


    Hopefully they can improve for the next one. or I'll keep an eye out for something we can watch. I was thinking I might start up Sons of Anarchy again... or not.

    :D xxx

  2. One of the main problems they have is that they skipped Benedict's book (which is full of angsty old skool drama, complete with illegitimate daughter and evil inheritance-stealing stepmother), and didn't allow the time elapsed in the books for Colin's and Penelope's book (if memory serves, it's something like five or six years?). During that time, Francesca marries, off-page, and her husband dies, also off-page, so that storyline doesn't even exist in the books.

    But because we can't have things implied and unsaid on a show, they crammed an entirely made up Francesca/Kilmartin storyline in with Colin's and Penelope's. The other reason, for my money, is that they didn't think that the short, fat wallflower could carry a full season as the only heroine--because for all their "look at us! inclusive! rainbow! Black ton!" bullshit, they're cowards.

    IMO, and so on and yadda yadda.

  3. So a few caveats: someone pointed out that after Francesca’s husband passed she has a love connection with his cousin so apparently that striking woman is Francesca’s future.
    I agree about not believing that Polin could carry the show. The one thing I looked forward to was Colin’s speech to the ton about how wonderful and clever Pen was by being Lady Whistledown and they took that away.
    It was all just disappointing. I was anticipating a really hot, sexy time with a chubby heroine and we didn’t get it at all.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, eventually Francesca hooks up with her late husband's cousin who, if memory serves, had been in love with her since forever and has some sort of bad boy rep? something scandalous?

      Benedict: gog only knows where they're going with that. (I deleted my original reply to expand on this, because I just now realized it can be interpreted that I don't want bisexual or poliamory representation--what I meant is that I literally have no idea where they're going with it. I don't trust television producers, I don't trust them not to fuck up a love story that stretches the boundaries of what's "acceptable")

      Penelope and Colin: cowards, I tell you.
