Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Dollar Dilemma


I spend my money as I wish. And yes I put money into savings but if I want to buy crystals and candles and another cat bed then I shall. And I also do not feel guilt or feel bad if I buy something and it just doesn't work for me and I don't keep it. I can put it in our community area for someone else to take or throw it away and I don't feel like I've thrown money away. I've just moved on from something that didn't work.

Okay, I wrote that and I was wrong. I didn't think I was at the moment but...  I watched some videos which really resonated with me. One was about doing a No Buy 2024 and the other was about Scarcity Mindset.

Scarcity Mindset is fascinating. Anyone who has ever had time without money has issues with having money. Scarcity doesn't lead you into smart money decisions. Scarcity mindset means that you're afraid of not having money to spend. So this happens:

Get Paid

Spend money that you have (because you have it & afraid you won't later)

Have no money because you spent it all


Get Paid (and do it all again)

So I decided to stop shopping. For the year of 2024 I'll not buy anything unnecessary. Also, groceries will be shopped differently. I'll buy things when they run out. And I'll use what I have. 

It's not a big deal and yet it's going to reset a big portion of my life. If I can finally break through my money anxiety my life will be so much better. And honestly, I don't need more things. The only purchases I might need would be a new fan when the weather heats and I need a decent vacuum at some point.

It will be most interesting to change my grocery shopping. Such as, I'm going to need garbage bags. But I probably have enough to go a month. So I was going to buy some so I don't run out but I had to stop myself. As long as I have I don't need more. 

I feel hopeful. I like healing and I feel that this will be a big year for healing for me. 

Love y'all. Stay safe.


  1. Good luck babe. i would like to think I had the discipline but no... I know I don't. I will try though. It m ight be interesting how far into Jan I get before I open the wallet... ;) xx

  2. I am cheering you on on this journey! It can be very healing as long as you have realistic expectations and try not to beat yourself up when you stumble.

    One of the hardest things to accept is that living more frugally is not a panacea for money anxiety; frugality does help, because once you stop spending constantly, you start struggling less to pay off accumulated debt, which reduces that anxiety, and so on. But it's not a panacea because inflation keeps coming at us while wages remain stagnant, so it can feel as if it's not worth it to make the effort.

    On balance, however, it really is worth it.

    1. Since deciding to do this, my keyboard/mouse went on the fritz so I had to buy new ones and last night while doing dishes I broke my coffee pot. Which is a serious dilemma because it's Christmas Eve and I do not want to go to Walmart today.
      Life will always come at you.

    2. Ah, but these are necessary expenses, these do not count.

      And remember, the first rule is: be kind to yourself when you feel you've stumbled.

      Sending all the hugs.
