Thursday, December 28, 2023

Bits and Boobies

Was watching a Fashion Runway season on Netflix and there was a "contest" to make an outfit with certain parameters and one male fashion designer got angry about the women judges criticism saying that nobody understood feminism more than he did. I'm still gaping at his audacity.


On Threads I saw a post where a man (total stranger) said "Not wearing makeup is the most attractive thing a female can do. Confidence speaks volumes."

I replied: "Shutting up about women's choices is the most attractive thing a male can do. Silence speaks volumes." He deleted his post.


I asked my nail technician about tipping since I always add her tip to my card when I pay. "Do you get the entire amount?" I asked. She said she does not. Since I don't usually carry cash I now have her Venmo account so I can send her tips directly to her.

So glad I asked. I love my nails when she does them.


Mollie got the flu and turned into a 10 year old right before my eyes. She wanted me to stay on the phone with her while she was sleeping. It was a combination of sweet and sickeningly dependent. 

Of course when she's supposed to call me, she doesn't. I'm still waiting.


Was fighting depression on Christmas (not a big deal, I'm always fighting with depression) and then I pulled out my basket of thread and cast on 120 stitches. Felt better immediately.


My No Buy way of living got fucked when my coffee maker broke and I had no cutting mat or rotary cutters for my sewing. And then... my walking cane broke. This month wants to break me. (I got a better coffee maker and a mat and cutter. I'm not living without coffee. I still need to find a cane.)


  1. I should have said yarn and not thread. Oops.

  2. Threads asshole: GO, LORI!!!!

    Tipping directly: the best policy, always.

    Depression: no wonder we click so well; I get angry when people ask me whether I'm "over it"; I want to scream that we learn to cope/live with depression, we don't get cured just because we can function (or pretend we do) while in the throes of a depressive episode, or because when we are having a good spell we seem happy and go lucky. ...sorry, just saying: thank the universe for crafting, it's also one of the ways I can improve my mood (exercise works, but these days I seem to hurt one joint or another every time I breathe, so that's less of a thing)

    No buy: sending hugs and hoping you can give yourself grace.

  3. Go get 'em baby cakes. Take crap from no-one, even if it wasn't directed directly at you. We don't usually tip here, as a rule but when we go out for a meal, we round up or add a little extra. Never thought about them not getting it all, if it's not cash in hand. Good to know for when I come up to see you ;)

    Depression sucks balls. You are so right, AL - people look at you and because you're not in a heap on the floor (at least not that they see) they look at you sometimes like you're bunging it on for sympathy. If it was happening to them it would be a different story, I'm sure. I can't craft worth a damn but I write and that seems to help get out a lot of what I feel. Good thing I don't share it lol

    Sorry Mollie got sick - send her hugs and love from me. Tell her I told her she has to ring more lol

    Happy New Year Sugar Drawers to you, Miss Mollie, and your readers. Hope 2024 is a lot better than the shitstorm that was 2023. Love ya long time! xxxx

    1. @Lea: whatever works to keep you going and pull you out and up! Best wishes to you for 2024 and the future.
