Sunday, April 20, 2014

Alive and Breathing

Had a lovely weekend this weekend. Nothing amazing happened, no great achievements were met. But it was a nice time nonetheless.

I read the Daisy Dexter Dobbs Greek trilogy and it was fun. If you're not a fan of insta-love then these aren't the books for you but if you enjoy light hearted and funny then these are good.

I'm reading The Collector by La Nora (Nora Roberts, that is) right now and wow, I love this woman's stand alone titles. Great writing, natural flow. She's what I want to be in my next life.

I did some writing and I'm working on a series of three books that I want to have done by my birthday. Book one is 2/3 finished and I was writing on book two because I'm making it different than my usual fare: more erotic and intense. It's great fun to write although the erotic part is hard.

I dyed my hair Saturday. I messed up because I wanted purple but got violet. I should have realized it wasn't purple but my mind has been stalled. I'm sure in the sunshine I look like a raspberry. I wanted to look like a grape popsicle (I know Carol, you want pictures...)

Anyway, that's about it in my life. What's going on with the rest of you?

1 comment:

  1. You read my mind. :-)

    I mostly slept this weekend which was a very good thing.
