Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Ereader and Me


Actually, it's not a real Kindle, because money is still tight. It's the Kindle for PC program, a free download. So, I downloaded it. And boy, was I in business!!

I'm sort of on an ebook overdose. I haunt Amazon these days. So many FREE BOOKS! Most of which I'll never read. *blush* But - I mean - FREE!!!

Also, I downloaded this program just before the Big 5 price change and got some real deals on books that I DID want to read. I suppose I should be thankful the prices went up; it saved myself from myself, from nickle and dime-ing myself to death.

But I love my Kindle PC. Yes, I'm stuck at the computer, but I'm there most of the time anyway.

Long story, but there's no room in the livingroom, so I mostly stay in with my computer. My computer and I have bonded. Yes, indeed.


I have my Sony and my Sony has me.
We're as happy as the 2 of us can be.
I read my books, both paper and e
But unlike Carol, I hate to read on my PC.

Okay, anyway.... I have the little Sony ereader and I loves my Sony. I like that it's lightweight. I like that it's pink. I like it's sleeve. I like my bookshelf on my computer with the pretty covers and my ereads with occasionally strange formatting.

I'm still getting used to reading on the Sony. I love being able to lay it flat on the table in the lunchroom and not try to eat my lunch while balancing a book open. I like not losing my place. I like the ease in buying.

I love the number of free books out there and I hate that Fictionwise became such a piss poor company overnight. eHarlequin rocks however and I have to give it BIG ASS kudos for being so forward thinking.

I especially love knowing that I can read the ebooks of the people I meet online and be a part of their community too.

I love my Sony indeed. If only I could share books with Carolyn's Kindle.

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