Thursday, August 1, 2024


 According to Jesse Watters on Fox News, if a man votes for a woman candidate he will begin transitioning to becoming a woman. So I was thinking about this and realized that Republicans should be excited about that: then they'd have even more people to carry their white babies. What a win!


The news companies in this country are failing outrageously. They pushed the narrative of Joe Biden's age but have chosen to completely ignore Trump's age and dementia. It truly feels like they want to see Trump get elected for the clickbait so they push the narrative without truly reporting on the news.

We are actually in a place where the only reliable news is via social media. And that is crazy.


My social media platform is Threads and they have a kind of Trending Topic bar in the feed which I've started paying attention to. And one of the topics was about Joy Behar from The View. Multiple reports under the topic of her getting thrown out of restaurants and her contract being terminated because she's toxic.

I realized they were all Russian bots. Not a single report was true and all the reports were word for word the same. I know there are bots out there but I never saw so clearly how they push the narrative.


I did the White Women for Harris zoom call. My favorite speakers were women of color. Oh well. 


I bought Kamala shirts. One is a Cat Ladies for Kamala and the other is the Tide logo with the word VOTE on it and it says Can Remove Orange Stains. 


The weird thing.

Democrats are pushing the Republicans are Weird line. And it's effective as hell. Concise messaging that can't be disproven. Brilliant actually (especially when discussing anything JD Vance says). And the more you think about it...

My brother texted me this morning that a high school friend's wife passed away. We were both sad. He's a good guy. My brother knew and liked his wife. We spoke of age and how now that our contemporaries are dying we feel more vulnerable.

My brother said "I love you. Don't die unless it's directly by my hands."

I replied: "I love you too, ya weirdo."

Now I know he knows about the Democratic messaging that Repubs are weird. I know that word was probably triggering. But I also know that telling someone I love you and I could kill you, despite it being meant as a joke, is a really weird way to say I love you. And I know that for myself, setting boundaries is important, especially with my brother. And the message of calling someone weird when they say something that really is fucking weird is a wonderful, non-confrontational way of pointing out why what they said is wrong.


  1. A note that it seems your blog things my comments are spam (sorry, it may be the swearing).

    Most news organizations, from cable to newspapers, are owned by wealthy people who are salivating over the tax cuts the toxic bag of orange ooze promises them should he win; that, and the fact that "Trump is good for clicks", which marries with the "growth every quarter or die!" late stage capitalism philosophy they all live by, means that the "both sides" coverage that benefits the fascists is a feature, not a bug. IMO.

    The weirdos: it has the added benefit of being factual. Who but weirdos are so desperate to know what's inside a stranger's underwear? Or how a stranger dresses, walks, talks, sits, looks, what they read, how they read it, who they love, how they love them. Never mind the fact that so often they are the ones doing the things they loudly proclaim unnatural/unChristian/unpatriotic/what have you.

    Weirdos, every single last of them.

  2. I think that was the perfect reply.
