Sunday, December 5, 2021

Hello Silence My Old Friend

I started writing a post about how much I hate too much noise but as I was writing, I felt like I was copping out from writing something a lot deeper. Saying I dislike extraneous noise isn't what I'm really feeling, not the deep inside feeling. And that isn't what's going on either since I moved. Yes, there is a lot less noise now that I live alone but it isn't really about the noise at all.

It's never really been about the noise. It's about the absence of noise. About the absence of distraction.

When the conversations are done, the TV is off, the K-Pop not playing and a person is alone in their space with themselves. That's when the work is done. When the inner voice isn't hushed and the questions, ideas, emotions are given a playground to come out and frolic. When a person is alone with themselves. 

When you aren't distracted from yourself, what happens? 

I haven't had this sort of silence in a long, long time. It's only been a week so I don't have any great discoveries or break throughs, I just have silence. 

There's dissatisfaction because I'm lacking furniture and enough storage right now. My walls don't have color/decoration and I feel the lack. But there was that moment last night after dinner was eaten and Netflix was turned off when there was just me...

Anyway, I don't have a lot to share about it. I've been craving this and I have it again. I look forward to seeing what comes from it. Will I find my hidden muse and write? Will I paint? Will I bury the past or understand it better? Where will this silence lead?

I'm excited to be back on this path.

1 comment:

  1. I've come to talk to you again...

    How spooky that I just heard this song as I opened this post! Weird.

    Personally, I don't like silence - I have to have music or...just or. Maybe it's because I don't want to be left with my thoughts. I have trouble dealing with them normally, let alone without 'think'music. Eek...

    I hope you do find your inner muse. I love her and what she creates and I'm so happy to have been privvy to her sharings in the past. I hope you find what you need, be it furniture, storage or something to enjoy in the silence.

    Love ya long time xx
