Friday, December 1, 2017

Japanese Fundraiser

I'll try not to be too embarrassed to post this here... my daughter and two other young ladies from her high school are going to Japan in June as part of an exchange program. Mollie has been studying Japanese for three years and intends to go to college and major in languages and Asian studies in the hopes of living/working in Japan and/or Korea.

We're fundraising to help with expenses.

I won't be too obnoxious with this.



  1. If it's ok, I can donate next week when I get financial. I wish I had had hte chance to do something like this when I was in school. I hope the girls have a wonderful time.


  2. There is absolutely NO reason for embarrassment. This is wonderful!

  3. Aside: is there a time limit for the fundraiser? (I will be able to donate with my next paycheck, just not now)

    Also, it would be great to know how long do they get to stay in Japan--full school year? a month? a term? (however long that is)

    And: you should absolutely tweet this campaign, if you haven't done so yet!

  4. They’ll only be there a little over two weeks in June. Mollie would love to be there for a school year but I’d never be able to handle that. I hate the idea of having her gone at all.

  5. I haven't forgotten Lori. I just had a huge car service payment come in and it's set me back a bit. I'll try and get some next week xx
