Monday, October 18, 2021

This Blog

 I think that there's a person or two reading this who isn't my red-headed BFF in Alabama. And if you've known me/me & Carol/Carol for any amount of time then you know this blog has been around for years and it's been a real roller coaster for us.

Sometimes we write. A lot of times we don't. And recently it's been Lori writing and Carolyn posting a sentence in response. And I wanted to explain that I'm choosing to write my blog posts as a Dear Carolyn because they're personal. It feels righter to me to address them to someone when I'm talking about my body image, my weight, the infection under my belly.

I hope there isn't someone out there who feels that because it says Dear Carolyn that they aren't invited to be part of the conversation. As long as the conversation isn't you fat fuck, go on a diet! then all if good and all are welcome.

And Carolyn's small responses are to let me know she read the post. We have long conversations daily in which we talk about... well... everything including these posts, our families, our frustrations and why Chris Helmsworth will always be the superior Chris although Chris Pine is a sexy ass Chris for the ages. She doesn't write longer responses because she's doing it on her Kindle and it's a little limiting sometimes.

Anyway, if you're out there, I hope you feel welcome. If you don't: let me know. I can certainly make it feel more inclusive if you feel excluded.

Love to you all. Except anyone who thinks Chris Pratt is the superior Chris because you're insane and need to go sit on the naughty step for awhile.


  1. You had me at Chris Pine. And Hemsy too, of course.

    I have to admit, I have been reading and it did kind of feel like it was for Carolyn; although I know that's not what you were meaning; and that's why I haven't commented.

    Part of me also knows what you're going through (except the op stuff) and I'm feeling it and I'm embarrassed that I can't get my shit together like you to do something about it. Maybe that's a cop out, who knows. But I hope you do keep going. I've always loved reading your (and Carolyn's) posts. They help to brighten some of the gloom away. Who knows, they will likely inspire me to get over my shit too...

    Who knows?

    Love y'all xxx

    ps - Not a fan of CHris Pratt. Can I be part of the gang? ;)

    1. Part of the gang? Oftentimes you're the leader.
      You have universal healthcare in Australia, don't you? Do they pay for weight loss surgery?
      True story: I recently worked with a Nurse Practitioner who had gastric bypass and she talked about it all the time and highly encouraged me to do it. She also ate worse than almost anyone I know. I once walked into her office and I swear, she had all her food laid out and there was a sandwich, a salad, a bag of candy, chips and donuts. And I know she didn't finish all that food but she certainly ate it.
      She made it pretty obvious that the surgery doesn't do shit unless the person is willing to do the work also (she wasn't that thin and with the way she eats, she'll probably regain the weight).

  2. People like that nurse are why the standards are so rigid. Bad nurse!!

    Hi Lea. *waves* (ow to see if it will let me post)

  3. Hi Carolyn! *waves back, from a locked in WA* :D

    I'm the leader? Oooh, the power! Snicker, snicker... ;)

    Lori, we do have public health - I had my double mastectomy done publicly and it didn't cost me a dime. Of course, I was in one morning and out the next but even so...

    The wait list for the gastric sleeve done on the public system though is at least 18 months (I've looked into it and on it, I think...). Mum had it done a couple of years ago privately and it cost her over 10 grand, which is why I never looked into it. It wasn't until I went for my first year check up after the mastectomy that the doctor suggested it. Of course I didn't like the way he suggested it but that's neither here nor there...

    As to that nurse - hmph! My brother's partner's step brother had the gastric band and still continued his old habits so of course the weight came back and then some. It's watching people like that that put me off too, I think. I know my willpower sucks (and not just when it comes to food lol) but I think if I can adjust my attitude a little, that will help a lot more than just doing the shakes/dieting etc.

    I really need to get back on that treadmill, now that the weather is fine again, sort of. Maybe if I put a picture of hte lovely Henry on the screen and look at him, rather than the miles I' not doing, I won't realize I've walked ten miles lol.

    Bahahhaha - who am I kidding!

    Love you ladies xx

    1. I think exercise is the hardest thing for me also. I can lose weight but I can't keep it off. Two things always happen: I quit exercising for some reason (weather gets bad so I can't walk around the park anymore) and then I reward myself with food when I have a bad day and the minute my eating slips then it cascades into all the same old bad habits.
      So I've been thinking about it and the obvious choices: get a treadmill or stationary bike (probably bike because of space restrictions) and as for the food: well, it's kind of guaranteed that one should get 'dumping syndrome' (sweats, vomiting, shaking) after eating greasy or sugary foods so that might be a good thing. Eat it and suffer = don't eat it.
      And how come I can't remember that you don't have boobies? My mini-me is minier than me.

    2. I'd prefer a bike and we have one out front, only I can't reach the pedals. Don't laugh! LOL Even with the seat in the lowest position, I need a step to get on and have to tiptoe to reach the pedals, which makes pushing them a joke. The treadmill is good but I get bored so I'll have to update iPod and get some cool moving songs on there. Or I have audio books I can listen to, I guess... maybe I'll even go back to the first Divo albums, they always make me smile.

      And yep, no boobies. Every now and then I kind of miss them and then I remember, no bra so whoohoo! Of course you get looks when you go out, so I don't go out lol.

      Eat it and suffer - I'm like that with peas - blech... Seriously though, that's what I need I think. Although, it's not that I eat a lot, just not enough of the healthy stuff and exercise is my big thing. If I did more of that and ate more greens etc, it wouldn't hurt. Now that we are allegedly coming into summer, salads are the go and I like salads - I eat all my vegies raw, even in winter - so this will help.

      Hmm, maybe instead of spending hours on Pinterest looking for pix of... never mind; I'll look for salad ideas instead lol.

