Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Weekend So Far

 Murder was supposed to have his/her/their first vet appointment but after losing a pint of blood to those murder mittens, I had to admit to a complete fail. We have a lot of trust work before that's going to happen.

On a positive note, I did get some cream for his/her/their skin and I have a soft collar on order so I can begin working on some healing for them anyway. 

So the above picture is a brush I picked up for cleaning vents. It's still a little short for my bathroom vent so I'll try the broom. But... the windows in my apartment have the screen on the inside and the glass panels on the outside and there are little bug bodies on the outside of the screen. Kind of ugly to be honest. 

That above mentioned brush was excellent. I scrubbed the inside of the screens and the bristles dislodged those bugs and I'm no longer looking at bug corpses when I want to look at the ocean. Since I live on the third floor (in a roundabout way) there was no way to clean the windows from outside. So big win.

I made fried chicken for the first time in my life last night. Yeah, I know that sounds sad. But honestly I really don't fry food in oil and why make fried chicken when you can buy it everywhere? But I wanted to do it myself and it was meh. I did a double dipping which made the skin way too thick. Didn't like. And I seasoned the flour mixture but it didn't taste seasoned at all. Not sure what I should have done there.

It cooked well enough and all but was bland. Not sure I want to do it again.

So it's still morning and I plan to spend the rest of the day cleaning, baking peanut butter bread (why not?) and doing my nails. Also just saw the movie Free Guy and it was delightful. Not often that I watch a movie and immediately would be willing to watch again so ... if you can, do watch.

I'll post about the bread later.

1 comment:

  1. Grooming pets... yeah, fun times! Hopefully Murder will be in a place eventually to let this happen, without the drama.


    Sorry, I forgot he/she/they is a cat :)

    Cleaning bugs - gross - but it has to be done. At least you didn't have to scale three floors, outside to do it. Gotta love when chores a made a little easier. Glad you now have a bug free vision of the ocean. All I see from my office is the front porch with a treadmill and a clothes line on it lol

    Bummer about the chicken but at least you tried and you know what needs changing, if you attempt again. I like experimenting too but when it doesn't work like it should, I think 'why bother' then forget about trying something different. This peanut butter bread you speak of might just change my mind lol. Photos of that too, please ;)

    Saw Free Guy a while back - I mean, Ryan Reynolds, hello! - and I quite enjoyed it. Spent time laughing and that is always a good thing. God bless that man for making us laugh when we need it.

    Happy nail painting and bread baking. Can't wait to see end result of both. Oh and good luck with Murder... (Is it weird saying that - makes me think I'm wishing you good luck killing someone lol)

