Thursday, March 3, 2022

Clean Tok


Obsession. I don't think that's something I can hide from. Is it the same as having an addiction? I don't know. I just know that my life seems to operate in moving from one obsession to the next.

So what do I do when I don't have one? When I'm trying to keep my mind free of obsessive clutter and bad brain? I go on Tik Tok and discover the exciting world (and new obsession) of Clean Tok.

Yes, it's really called Clean Tok. And it's professional cleaners, stay at homes, work full timers... oh hell, it's everyone. And they film themselves cleaning. And they give advice. Hacks. Product reviews. It is... dare I say... a healthy obsession.

I'm neat as heck but not necessarily clean. I like things put away. Dishes don't sit in the sink for long. But my cleaning is a Swifter mop and clorox wipes. So my place never looks or smells really clean (then add a cat and cat litter to the mix and yikes!) 

So I decided to try and choose my obsession and make this work for me. Walmart had most everything I needed. I started small with the toilet, tub and sink. 2 out of 3 sparkle. I need to get the close to wall grime on the toilet so I missed on that one. But the tub is super clean and I took a bath last night and truly relaxed after scrubbing it so well.

Anyway, I'm kind of happy with this. I'm only doing one small area a day to be kind to my knees. So tonight I'm going to clean the bedroom floor (new spinning mop and bucket and Fabulosa cleaner... I feel like cleaning royalty). Ha!

Let me know if you have any favorite cleaning tips. I'm going to start posting pictures of some of my organizational things soon because I love them. As well as some of my hacks for enjoying my space and using things I have in more interesting ways.


  1. I need to get in on this--the cleaning, not necessarily the tiktok or the obsession--because the past two years of isolation have not been kind to the state of my house.

    (First, I have another fifteen little handsewn pouches to finish, though)

  2. Any chance you want to come and help me clean :) LOL I start off well, get distracted and move on... Can't wait for your tips and tricks to help with this.

