Monday, March 7, 2022

Peanut Butter Bread and Epiphany


Well it was a disappointment, to be honest. Smelled amazing while it baked and I might just bake it again for the alone. But it really didn't zing with the taste of peanut butter. I only wonder if using almond milk instead of regular milk has anything to do with it. But I kind of don't think so. 


2 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 & 1/3 cup milk
1/2 cup peanut butter

Mix together. Bake 1 hour in a well buttered loaf pan at 325.

Hope you enjoy it more than I did.

Epiphany: I saw a TikTok of a woman who wallpapered her fridge and it was awesome So pretty. I want to do it.

And I want to wallpaper my plain white bookshelf with the water stains.

I want an orange slipcover for my couch.

I want to minimize my office space and maximize my living space.

And I'm not obsessive or unhealthy in wanting these things and wanting to do these things. Your home is a huge extension of who you are and wanting to make your home suit you. feel more comfortable and comforting is just another expression of self care.

It's time to stop worrying if I'm healthy/having good brain. It's better to start enjoying and expressing and celebrating my life and myself.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer about the bread. I can almost smell it from here ;) The idea seems nice but when it doesn't work, it is disappointing. HOpefully you will find something that does work, taste good and zings!

    I'm writing a story now where the main character paints murals and stuff on walls - bedroom, office - etc. You want me to send her up? LOL. I've seen many a painted fridge and they really do look awesome. I hope you have much luck in painting/covering yours. Don't forget, we need photos.

    You're right - it's not obsessive or unhealthy to want to make your living space your own. I've done it - mostly - in the room I'm sitting in now, my corner of hte family home and it's where I feel most comfortable. Express yourself, Sugar Drawers - you deserve it!

