Sunday, February 25, 2024

When You've Lost the Plot

 This has been wild.

I thought George, the orange cat, left us. I was wrong. He's still here and doesn't seem that interested in going anywhere. He's starting to do a tiny bit of daytime investigating and the other two cats, at this point, couldn't give a shit about him.

I honestly thought he was gone.

The leg is still painful as fuck and I'm gobbling pain pills but it's also healing. I'm hobbling but I can do some without the cane. So mobility is improving but pain is still awful. I have an appointment with my pain doctor on Wednesday and hopefully we can adjust meds.

I unsubscribed to Aztec Lady's blog without knowing I unsubscribed. I was starting to worry that she hadn't been posting and then discovered that she had. Smack my forehead and call me a fool.

My work is about to become a nightmare. Last week one employee left to move back to the mainland and this week our best employee is leaving to move back to the mainland. Our receptionist (saved in my phone as Work Bestie) will be off from Thursday to the end of March because of hubby's health. It will not result in anything good in any way and she is going to be going through it. 

That is leaving one MA in the back who is better than nothing but not that much better and one employee in the front who just started. The surgery schedule, referrals, orders ... all these things have no one to do them. 

I'm going to lose my Wednesdays off because we don't have staff. This is going to be a challenge. I've gotten really good with keeping my boundaries at work and I'm going to need to figure this out when the need is going to be so great.

Anyway, my neighbor called me Hanai which is adopted family and that meant the world to me. You are all part of my Hanai as well. It's time to let go off familial wishes and start building on the connections that nurture.

Love y'all and those are true words. Stay safe.


  1. I hope the pain doctor can help. It's awful how everything falls on you at once. Going through something like that myself. :-( As my mom always says, this too shall pass.

  2. Sending all best wishes for the healing and pain management, and that you can give yourself grace if any of the many balls you're keeping aloft happens to bounce.

    I hope you can get your boss to pay you overtime if you are forced to give up your time off in any way (okay, not likely "if", more like "when"), because by golly, woman, you'll be saving his bacon big time, the least he can do is pay for yours.

    George: I'm so happy that he's still there! Poor baby, probably terrified, but still there. I'm so glad!

    Blog: these things happen; I hope you can re-subscribe without problems.

  3. Commenting as a test for azteclady, who is having technical issues.

    1. ...and now I can see the blog and comment, following the link from the email notification from willaful comment.

      Make it make sense???

    2. Nothing makes sense. But glad you made it back.
