Saturday, February 3, 2024

I fell in love at lunch and changed my life before the weekend

 This is Lori and Jack outside of Ken's in Hilo. We had a horrible lunch with terrible service and I didn't care because I fell in love over a teri burger and fries and now I've decided to go to North Carolina and see my father and go to Japan and spend next Christmas with my daughter and Jack will probably be in the Maldives or somewhere exciting because his life is exciting but one hour of my life has changed me.

So I haven't talked about my father but a year ago he reached out to me and Mollie and wanted to be in our lives. We made the choice based on financial factors and he paid Mollie's student loans and we are having an interesting, land mine-filled, emotionally manipulative experience.

There's a lot to unpack.

Anyway, he asked Mollie and I to come visit him and his wife in Asheville. We originally said no but I just sent him an email and said we will. But Mollie can only get time off work around Christmas so that's what we need to do. (He just emailed back and was delighted we're coming. So that's done.)

But Jack. Back to handsome, smiling, smart, personable Jack. He's the boyfriend of Mollie's CEO. He's her HR department. He's the bright spot in her job and he is amazing. He's one of those extraordinary people who feels like you've been friends forever the minute you meet. He was in Hilo and offered to bring Mollie foodstuffs back to Japan if I wanted to put said foodstuffs in his hand. 24 packs of Knorr's pasta and rice sides (her favorite quick dinner). 2 bags of Cheetos. 18 Mr. Goodbars. Delivered at lunch at Ken's where I enjoyed my fries and Jack and I talked about business, Hollywood (he's worked as a Hollywood stylist for some famous peeps - which is how he met Juan, Mollie's CEO). 

We talked a lot about Mollie and I loved that he sees her. He really sees her as she is. Sees her strengths and her weaknesses. He obviously likes her and wants to see her succeed.

And when lunch ended, as sadly, it must... he walked me out to my car and asked when I was coming to Japan. And here's the thing: I have a ticket to go already. But I've been putting it off out of fear. It will be a lot of walking and I have bad knees. My American fatness will stand out. I hate traveling.

But Jack stood next to me and talked about the special times he and Juan will show me in Japan. He talked about the ease of escalators and reminded me they have taxis. And I said I'll come before 2024 is done. And last night Mollie and I made out plans.

The funny thing, of course, is that Juan and Jack will travel during the holiday I'm sure but it isn't about seeing them. Last night while Mollie and I watched TikTok videos about Japan and talked about where we want to go, I told Mollie that there are specific places I want to go. There are specific things I want to buy. But I also want to sit in my daughter's home and pet her cat and eat food and watch movies and anime and laugh and be together and bad knees doesn't mean my life stops.

And then on Friday, my boss emailed me that I got a raise and he appreciates me and I thought life will always have uncertainty but if you don't say yes, you don't meet someone like Jack and that would be a true tragedy.

So I met Jack on Thursday, Mollie and I planned out vacay on Friday, my father responded positively on Saturday and I need to get a passport. 

I'm excited.


  1. I am so incredibly happy for you, Lori, so happy that you've decided to do something that's scary because the reward is so huge (spending time with Mollie in her chosen home). I hope the visit with your father goes well, but if not, it will be behind you soon enough.

    Go, Lori, GO!


  2. Such a cute pic! And yay for you being so brave!

  3. A post of so much happy, I'm grinning from ear to ear for you. Well done babe! Hope the visit with the olds goes well but so excited to hear about your adventures in Japan. And Jack sounds like an awesome person and we all need m ore of those in our lives. BIG HUGS MWAH!!!
