Friday, April 22, 2022


 I love my hair. (Just paying myself a compliment. It's something Emily Nagaski, PhD said we should do in the Netflix series Pleasure. She said we should stand in front of the mirror every day and say what we like about our bodies. We might learn to like them better if we're kinder to them. (I don't plan on doing this daily on the blog, just thought I'd start here.)

Emily Nagaski, PhD with her sister wrote the book Burnout, the Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle which is also the base of the therapy I'm doing currently. Interestingly, my therapist never heard of the book and I think I'm going to send her a copy because both book and therapist also touch on body issues, diet culture and how the patriarchy is destroying us.

Anyway, this week has been extremely difficult. A lot of stresses building up and releasing through body work, tears and 2 food binges that were acknowledged and stopped. 

My sister and her wife arrive on island today. I had planned not to see them but then my sister called and asked me to change my mind. I accommodated her but then food binged and had therapy and realized that seeing my sister and my 2 sister in laws was too much for me right now. I texted my sister and told her that I would love to see her but only her. She hasn't responded. I don't think she will.

Just realized: if you compromise on your boundaries when you're just learning to set them, that's like 100 steps backwards. 

Ha. Seriously just happened a minute ago: I sent an email status report to my boss about a new process we're doing and he wrote back and said he wants to have a brief chat this weekend to catch up. He's done this before and not called. So I replied : can you give me a time estimation so I don't start feeling anxious if I haven't heard from you?

Okay: second cup of coffee. Back to work. Happy weekend y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Sending supportive thoughts; upholding boundaries is HARD. One gets better at it, but god, it's never easy.

    On the other hand, it can be the one thing one can do to protect oneself from harm coming from the people who are supposed to love us--who may, in fact, love us--but who can't stop hurting us.

    And yes, you have beautiful hair.
