Saturday, February 19, 2022

Weekend: Reality vs. Imagination


It's Saturday morning. There are some things going on this weekend that have me a little stressed. So I thought I would post what's going to happen and what I think/imagine will take place and then later post what did, in fact, happen.

1. My brother and SIL are coming over today. She's never seen my apartment and he's never seen it with all the furniture.

Imagination: First of all I have to clean only because my floors are really dusty. And I need to take out garbage. But I imagine my SIL will think it's a huge mess. She'll point out my bad housekeeping and I'll feel bad.

It's SIL's birthday and bro is taking her out to lunch, they're coming over after. I'm not making any food because I'm sure they'll be full and they aren't dessert people. But I do have a bevy of drinks. But I imagine they'll be pissed cause there's nothing to eat.

Most of all I'm afraid that they won't find my place as cute as I do and I'll feel a little less about it.

REALITY: My SIL loved my  place. She was complimentary and said it felt cozy and cute and she made my heart swell. My brother was tired and grumpy and didn't say much of anything.

2. My friend Megan is supposed to come over from Kona tomorrow and bring a litter box and litter and then we're driving to an animal sanctuary and I'm adopting a cat.

Imagination: Megan won't come.

If Megan doesn't come then I have to buy a litter box and litter and adoption fees for a cat and my budget is already stretched and this will take it too far and I'll have to wait till my next payday.

Or Megan will come and forget the cat box and litter.

I'm thinking that even though the cat sanctuary is open every day it will be closed on Sunday.

I'm worried that there won't be a cat for me. 

I'm worried that all the cats will hate me.

I'm worried that no matter how much I've planned and prepared, a cat will destroy my new couch. 

I'm worried the cat will pee or poop all over everything.

REALITY: Megan just texted that she's on her way. With litter and box.

REALITY: There were plenty of cats that needed a home and I chose the one that was craving touch. She never left our sides and started chasing other cats away if they stayed too long getting pet. She's scrawny, has a bad eye and patchy fur and my heart is so full.

So I'll let you know how the reality goes. 


  1. ::sending many hugs::

    Here's to a less fraught reality than what your anxiety is telling you it will be--and to a helluva lot more joy.

  2. Family never think what you have/are/do is ever enough so they should stick to their own lane. Just remember, we've all seen you place (virtually but it counts) and we love it and when I come visit, I will say so. As to the kitty, that will work too. Cats don't like anyone, it's who they are lol but I'm sure this one will. What will you call it? Something cool, no doubt. I'm sure Megan will be there, kitty litter and all. This is all going to be ok and I too shall send the hugs, no matter the outcome.

  3. I am so happy, Lori!

    Here's to kitty being really happy with you, and you being even happier.
