Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy V or G Day


Happy Valentines/Galentines/Thank God I'm Single Day.

Today I'm literally stealing/copying from AztecLady's blog.      If you're not following her, you should. Amazing book reviews, she shares her art and she's just the coolest of the cool women.

To that end, if by some obscure reason you hadn’t heard about this: Romancing the Vote is back!

Through that link, you can donate directly to Fair Fight using their ActBlue links, or go on to the auction and check out the almost 600 items on offer.

Celebrate true love, give someone you love (which can totally be yourself!) something lovely/amazing/unique, along with the satisfaction of knowing they’re helping fight for democracy.

The action runs from today, at 11AM CST to this Friday, February 18 at 8PM CST

Prepare yourself for five days of furious bidding!

The first time, in December 2020, romancelandia broke the auction site (and raised almost half a million dollars); they are probably better prepared this time around, but just in case: get in early, create your account, and prepare to keep a vigilant eye on what you want–trust no one, some of these items are highly coveted and one-of-a-kind.

So the above is a direct steal. If you're political, romantical or just love bidding wars: check it out.

And also: Az is doing a movie night (I'm so going to be there). Stealing again:

And it just so happens that this year I’m hosting #RomancelandiaMovieNight, to which you are all cordially invited: every month, on the 14th, we’ll watch a movie that meets the conventions of genre romance, and live-tweet it using the hashtag.

Per the rules, in February we do not watch on the 14th, so we’ll be watching it on Friday February 18, starting at 9pm Eastern.

The movie for this month is SYLVIE’S LOVE (2020). This is an amazon production, and thus, only available on Prime.

Seriously, can this month get any better? I've meant to watch Sylvie's Love and now I'm going to have the pleasure of doing so with some of my favorite people.

Hopefully, we'll see you all there.


  1. ::insert multiple heart emojis here::

    (also, it's not stealing, it's re-blogging! ;-) and I'm honored )

  2. Sounds good! Unfortunately the time-zone thing is sucky (I think I'm 15-16 hours in front of Lori) but would love to see a review of how the night turned out. Have fun ladies :)

    PS I'll search for this Sylvie's Love down here anyway, see what y'all on about ;)

  3. Lea, do you have Amazon Prime? It's on the movies there if you do. And don't forget, we need to do a Netflix party soon. Mollie and I do it a lot and it's so much fun. As long as both people have Netflix you can watch a movie together and chat/type throughout.

    1. I do have Prime :) After reading this yesterday, I watched the preview for Sylvie's Love - looks good. I've bookmarked to watch, at some point... And yes, a Netflix party sounds awesome. We'll have to try and sync our times...


  4. Oh my fucking GOD!!!! I missed the movie!!! I thought it was Saturday night and it was last night and now I'm going to go stand in a corner and curse myself out.
