Sunday, October 1, 2023

Girl Math/Boy Math

A lot of men out there seriously hate women. And "not all men" to be sure, but enough that it's starting to slide into it's own pandemic. And with feminine rage slowly growing it's starting to become a real battlefield.

Why isn't feminine rage man hating? Because women actually don't hate men. We hate the system. The patriarchy. The politics. Capitalism and fundamental Christianity. We hate "a women's place is in the home" and the barefoot and pregnant trope. We hate being called gold diggers if we expect a man to pay for a date he asked us on and then called "mid" and fat and a spinster in waiting if we refuse that same man access to our body.

We have had our worth measured in pounds. Our attractiveness held up to professional models and actresses and women who have honestly had a rib removed to achieve a motherfucking tiny waist.

We are talked over. We are groped by a stranger walking down the street.

And when we seek community online whether we share our experiences (Me Too) or just have fun (Girl Math) then men come into our spaces to belittle us, doubt us and try to force us to our knees. 

And women have finally started shooting back. Ergo: boy math. 

Girl Math: Finding a dress you love at 50 percent off so you buy 2 and that means you got 1 free.

Boy Math: Wanting to get laid and not have babies but not buying condoms.

Boy Math: Complaining about gold digging women while living in your mother's basement.

The men are pissed and the women are laughing. 

Men hate when women laugh at them. Women hate when men bully, silence and murder us. But it's not going to keep us quiet anymore.

And by the way. I'm  65 and never been married. I live alone in my brightly decorated apartment with 2 cats, a fuck ton of books and fresh baked cookies. I have a daughter who on my birthday posted for the world to see "my best friend" when referring to me and I am still crying. This isn't punishment, Sir, this is reward for a hard lived life.


  1. Sending you all the hugs and fist-bumping on the reward of a life WELL lived.

    Also: two cats???? Last I knew, you only had Murder? Tell me more!!!!

    (and seriously, so tired of male fragility, and the fucking kyriarchy)

  2. OMG that line about you being Mollie's eyes sprung a leak!

    and of course they hate it when we laugh back. They can dish it out but can't take it and that just says m ore about them.

    Ok, I'm off to check my eyes... xx
