Sunday, October 29, 2023

Bits and Bobs

 Just a few random thoughts right now...

I got my witchcraft kit. Yes, I bought a kit. It has candles, herbs, crystals and other stuff. Do I need it? Probably not. But it's going to be a nice way to begin my journey on this spiritual path. I have been doing some reading and video watching and realized very clearly that following others is not the way for me.

Witchcraft, like religion or politics or anything that involves your morality as well as emotions, cannot be dictated by someone else. I know what I want to do. This isn't a blind game for me. Quite the opposite actually: I'm a 65 year old woman who has lived a lifetime of rage, sorrow and love. I knw exactly what I'm doing.

Taylor Swift.

Yes, we are all too evolved for celebrity gossip and shenanigans. Quite frankly, there's a greater backlash against celebrities nowadays since the Oprah/Rock fiasco. And it's about time. Let's abolish pedestals. Admire the work but be wary of the person. They truly, are only human.

I like Taylor. Certainly not a Swiftie but I have a few of her albums and I appreciate how she has spoken out about the sexism she's faced and the cruelty of men in the business. She calls them out by name and I admire that. I also like that she's been upfront about her own faults and shortcomings.

So the romance with the football player is enjoyable. I doubt they're the love story of the century but it's sweet. And I like him. I like that he openly said he was going to shoot his shot and it didn't happen so he tried again and got her interest. I like his openness and that he acknowledges that she's the bigger deal and he doesn't care. This guy has an ego that's perfectly sized.


I got my kitchen wallpaper which I meant to put up this weekend and instead I became an energy mess. Seriously: on Friday my energy went haywire and I broke my printer and somehow lost my computer access and I was bouncing off walls. 

I slept all day and all night on Saturday. Today is Sunday and I'm doing better (got a casserole in the oven and I made brownies) and my mind is on a straighter path. But I was so frenetic on Friday that I'm convinced I somehow made everything go crazy.

More Wallpaper

The bedroom wallpaper should be here in about 2 weeks. I have Norman set up to install it (Norman is the apartment maintenance manager and I tip him generously and he helps me out with home projects). 


God, forgive me. I'm doing it.

But I'm co-writing with Lea so I'm thinking it will actually happen.

Good Omens 2

David Tennant kissed Michael Sheen and my world exploded momentarily.

While we're on the subject: Charlie's Angels with Kristen Stewart. Terrible movie but she shines in it and I'm gay everytime I watch it.

Jujitsu Kaisen: Just fuck me. If it gets any better I'll pay the $500 for the Nanami penis statue.

Love y'all. Vote blue. 


  1. I've just started watching Good Omens so spoiler... LOL and have you seen Michael and David in 'Staged'? OMG it is perfect!! The two of them are awesome as friends and this show...LOVE IT!!

    As to stick I think if you feel this way then our 'Frouse'ness is cancelled! Sorry but...ewww!! LOL

    What's Jujitsu Kaisen?

    As to Nano... we won't go there lol
