Wednesday, September 27, 2023

65 and Celebrating

It's my birthday. Yay.

It's been a wonderful day. I haven't done much of anything except enjoy being alive. And talking to the world (or so it feels). But I'm so happy. 

Happy because this year I decided to celebrate myself. I didn't wait in the hopes of someone else making me feel worthwhile because I felt it. I felt like I was living a Miley Cyrus song. I bought myself flowers and champagne. Got my favorite meal. 

And people did spoil me today. Admittedly, I loved every minute of it. Last year wasn't so happy because I expected and hoped others would deliver happiness. This year others enhanced my happiness.

And of the men in my life: my boss was the first one to call and celebrate me. The other men disappointed in big ways. But...

I realized today that expecting something from someone who has really shown that they are okay with disappointing you is a "me problem". They're not going to change. My expectations need to. Or perhaps they have because my day wasn't spoiled by their negligence. It was noted and will be remembered. And our relationships will change because they have less to offer than I'm willing to make the effort to accept.

Isn't that what boundaries really are? It's not expecting others to change. It's changing yourself to ease their toxicity from you and your life. 

Anyway, I'm starting to get a little drunk. So I'm going to get a little more drunk and watch a movie and maybe take a bath or maybe just go to sleep. I'm planning on letting today be guidance for how the rest of my life goes. Celebrate yourself. Celebrate those you love. Keep questionable people an arm's length away. And toxic people removed as far as you can.

We are all worth fresh flowers and champagne. Do it a lot more often than just birthdays.


  1. Happy birthday! I hope it was fantastic beginning to end, regardless of whatever that man did (and didn't). You, my friend, are wise: we must celebrate ourselves and not wait for external validation of our worth and our joy.

  2. Sorry I'm reading this late, but a very happy belated birthday to you!

  3. Happy belated birthday Sugar Drawers! I shall raise a glass of...something for you tonight. Better late than never right? LOL And good for you, spoiling yourself. Do it more often xxxx
