Saturday, September 9, 2023

Toxic Things I've Heard

#1: Said by my brother and a friend "Sometimes I feel like the smartest person in the room."

You aren't. Guaranteed. And it really bothers me to hear that because the delusion is strong.

#2: Said by my mother and it made me aware that she was a narcissist   "When I die, I wonder if the world will cease existing also."

Um, no. Only you will stop existing.

#3: Said by my father "There are only 2 types of people: winners and losers."

Obviously he believed himself a winner and everyone else a loser. But anybody who states there are only 2 types of people in the world isn't paying attention to all the people in the world.

#4: Anyone who has said "We need to have a come to Jesus meeting."

I'm never coming to Jesus. Also, when someone says that it just means that they want to rake you over the coals and pretend it's more than them being a bully. Jesus wasn't a bully. You are a bully. Get it straight.

#5: "All (fill in the blanks) are the same."

Get this a lot when people talk politics. Now my brother will do this. Both sides are the same. All politicians suck. And it's a way to get around saying that someone in the party you support is problematic. Naw, not just Republicans because Democrats too. Well excuse me sir, but as correct as you are that both sides are problematic, only one side is evil and it ain't the one that starts with a D.

#6: "Have a blessed day."

Hope you have the day you deserve.

#7: "Your problem is..."

No sir, no thank you. Right now my problem is you thinking you know anything about my problems. Go sit in the corner and hush.

And recently, I've been getting a lot of advice from a lot of different people as to how I should improve my health. I'm going to say this once and then shut you down forever on... I will never diet again in my lifetime. I will not cut carbs, avoid sugar or avoid fast food. I eat quite well, thank you very much, and probably have more salad than you would ever dream. But if you think I'm not baking Tollhouse cookies or eating Chicken Nuggets and fries when I have the urge then you are cray to the cray.

And as far as getting up and moving: yeah, I know. You ain't got nothing to share, Thank you now shut up.

Love y'all and stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. All of these!

    And on the "get up and move"...Yeah, you know, two days ago I pulled a muscle on my back by performing the physically taxing activity of *laying down on my bed*. The next day I pulled a muscle on my neck by *sleeping in my bed*.

    I would love to move more, because if nothing else, moving makes me feel better *emotionally*--but my fucking body keeps sabotaging me, and that's something very few "exercise cures everything" assholes acknowledge, ever.


