Saturday, September 16, 2023

What the Hell Happened?

 I can't even explain what happened to this week. Monday I quit my job and got fired and fought with my boss. Tuesday I got my job back and the boss apologized. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday then entire computer system has been down.

I'm not even going to try to get into it all. It was too much and my poor brain isn't processing any of it very well.

So I went to TJ Maxx yesterday. I needed some retail therapy. I was hoping to get pumpkin soup bowls and skin care and some cheap makeup. I've decided to start shape shifting now in my later years so I need to learn makeup. A craft is a craft.

Anyway, there were sadly no pumpkin bowls. There was an amber glass coffee mug which I got and acrylic stand cat bowls so those were excellent. And a little make up but more skin care. 

A few years ago I got really into skin care and saw a huge difference i my skin after using it. My skin brightened and truly glowed. It was so pretty. But I slowly stopped taking that kind of care of myself. And now I want to. Nobody else can love and take care of me the way I will. Also I realize that the best therapy for me right now is going to be somatic therapy and I've decided to start that myself with touch and care of my skin and body.

Anyway, I have a pomegranate face mask on right now and my skin is tingling and it makes me want to giggle. I made BLTs to eat and have a lot of leftover. I discovered I like sleeping with a sleep make on. And my sewing machine isn't working and I need to hem some pants.

I'm desperately unhappy right now but I'm also okay. I think it's a common fucked up state that Americans have been living with the last 6 or 7 years. Our lives aren't making a lot of sense and we're barely getting by. We stay on social media to find others screaming the same words into the void so at least we know it isn't just us.

We eke out any semblance of good feelings we can to battle the fact that all we want to do is lay in bed and never move again.

Yeah. Maybe not doing so good after all.

Love you all. Stay safe.


  1. Holy crap, that's a true devil's ride roller coaster in one paragraph.

    (as someone who lives in constant terror of losing my job, I'm glad you are employed again...still..? Getting a check, at any rate.)

    And yeah, no one is okay.

    Sending hugs.

  2. Hugs to y'all up there from me down here. Love ya!!!
