Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wednesday Night and All Is Well

 The stray orange cat is outside on my doormat right now chowing down on a bowl of food I just gave him. He wants to come in so badly but my cats aren't quite so welcoming. (And after I wrote that, he finished the food and then sauntered away, Maybe I'm just a restaurant for him.)

I woke up this morning (Wednesdays are my weekday off) and had a list of things to do but no get-up-and-go to get-up-and-be-gone. So Murder vomited all over my comforter and left me no options.

I didn't get everything done but I did my donation at Goodwill, went to the vet and got flea meds, took all my blankets to the laundry and got some groceries.

I have donated/rid myself of a lot of things. Some were gifts which made me feel guilty and some were things I really like but don't use and if it's sitting there unused for a year or more, it doesn't need to remain in my space. 

Tomorrow I get a new cat tree and the one in the front window will go into my bedroom. So I'll have 2 cat trees in my bedroom and one in the living room with about four assorted beds. 

I said I'm not buying anything for myself but the cats are babies and they need things!

It's funny but in the last week or two of starting to clean out closets and under the bed and all that, my apartment is just so much nicer. 

I'm such a cleaning whore. I can't even deny it.


  1. As I try to move forwards to a more livable space, I've been thinking a lot about this video--warning: she rambles a bit, but eventually it makes sense.

    fair warning: blogger seems to be eating links at random, so you may have to rescue this comment from the bowels of spam folder.

  2. Just from the pic, I know this is a concept I've tried to explain to my husband so many times...

    I've been getting some joy from cleaning and tossing too. Our storage space has never been the same since we turned the garage into a studio for our kid, and lost the shelves in the laundry closet (my husband swears this will be his next's been longer than COVID is all I can say.)

  3. For all those happy to clean, I live down here, in Perth, if you feel the need lol. I try but then get distracted. I also can't part with things, old and unused or not. Some would say it's hoarding but I don't. ;)
