Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Blue Birthday

 Carolyn's birthday is February 1 and look what she got **excited squee**. Aztec Lady had done a blog post about anniversary flowers, a miniature bouquet, she made on a commission and I thought they were gorgeous. I ordered a bouquet for my BFF and she got them yesterday.

She loves them also. She sent me a picture of the bouquet next to the fake aquarium I got her for Christmas and they're perfect together (the picture is just too dark to post). Thank you Az. This is better than I hoped.


I have to learn to stop judging time as whether or not it's "productive". I fucking hate how we've been brainwashed to think if we're not achieving something then we're wasting time. I wasted 43 years of my life living without Mollie. Now I'm going to even out the rest living with her in my life. That's enough.

But I was happy because I got things done this weekend but not my laundry but now I'm still happy I got so much done and I have food for the upcoming week, but I'm annoyed at the idea that time can be wasted.

Time is simply time. It has no value in the sense beyond measurement.

We really live in an insanely crazy world. We apply too much value to too many wrong things.


I replaced the living room cat tree with one that's a lot more cat friendly for both cats. The one I had was an actual fake tree with leaves and 3 levels of stands. Wednesday uses it but Murder never has.

So I put the tree in the corner of my bedroom and it's perfection. I might put some fairy lights on it one day but I love how it looks and it feels like it was exactly what my room was missing.

Okay laydeez, love y'all and stay safe out there. Remember we are strong, we are worthwhile and nobody deserves our energy unless we want to give it.


  1. Please pass on a happy birthday and hugs from me to Ms Carolyn for her birthday. I've been working on my sequel to the Spinsters thing and every time I type CeCe, I think of her and wonder how she is going. I hope she's doing well. PS - the flowers are very purdy :)

    I often wonder if I'm productive enough but to be honest, I don't care. I take my breaks when I can, because usually I'm doing something for hte folks. If it means my room looks like it needs organizing (it does) and I need to make a rack of sorts for all my jigsaws (I do), then I'll get to it when I can. I can still see the tele to watch Bake Off and Pottery Throw Down, so I'm good :)

    I saw the pic of the other tree and it's looking good. Lights would make it special, so long as the cats don't go to town and chew on it. Reminds me of that seen in Christmas Vacation...

    Anyway, love ya long time and don't forget ot say hi to Carolyn for me xxx


  2. <3 <3 <3

    (I hope to post about it tomorrow)
