Saturday, March 28, 2020

Isolate Your Ass, Motherfucker!!

The worst part of this whole thing, the worst worst part, is knowing that if one member of your household gets it, it could easily kill all the members of your household.

We are all over 60. We all have high blood pressure. My sister in law has heart and lung issues.

So my brother is working on his car and needs help and invites a friend over to help him. And then my SIL and said friend are sitting chatting, no social distancing. If I say something I'm going to be told to chill because no way is Matt sick. And he probably isn't. He also shouldn't be in our house.

Beyond that we Americans have an inept mob boss running our country into the ground who assumes that daily news briefings are a chance to brag about himself, to call women "nasty" and to suggest new ways people can ultimately kill themselves (listen to the orange shithole and do what he suggests and you'll likely die from it) (he isn't just corrupt, he's truly stupid).

I would make a better president than this scummy, slimy, sickening stain of shit on the world. I hate him. I literally hate him.

Otherwise, I'm living in a state of anxiety that's out of this world. I sleep about 16 hours a day. I talk to Mollie maybe a dozen times daily. I can't concentrate enough to do anything except watch documentaries on Netflix and play computer games.

I hope everyone is doing better than I am at this time. How are you all coping?

1 comment:

  1. It sux that you can't speak up and have them listen. I mean, even if teh friend had to come over, surely sitting more than three feet apart isn't so hard? Be safe up there babe. There's so much conflicting stuff on tv you don't know where to begin. All I know is I'm stuck in the front room, with my computer and Netflix and it's getting old. I normally love my own company, now, not so much.

    As to the Orange One - seriously, they could take his comments and turn it into a comedy show - he's a fool and acts like he's a hero saving people when he's just a dick. An Orange Dick... I sinceriuosly hope that all the people who voted him in are paying attention and don't make the same mistake again. At the rate yáll are getting sick up there, there might not be that many people to vote at all! :O

    Stay safe Sugar Drawers. I'm here if you want to chat, even if it's about the weather - overcas and cool today, for a change lol

    BIG HUGS (that have been hand sanitsed first...)
