Sunday, February 28, 2021

What’s Going On

 Well I’m excited. I’m vaccinated (yay for working in a doctor’s office), I’ve been reading my ass off and I found a web series I really like.

I finished two books this weekend: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison and The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting by K.J. Charles. Both books were excellent.

The Goblin Emperor is a wonderfully different book of an 18 year old Emperor’s son becoming Emperor. The main character Maia is uneducated, quite lost in the ways of the court and flying by the seat of his pants.

It’s a wonderful book, I say with a satisfied sigh. The author doesn’t really explain customs so much so sometimes you have to figure things out and make it make sense. But there’s plenty explained also. And almost immediately the reader is invested in Maia and wants him to succeed. So it’s a joyous journey.

The best part of the book is that it begins with a boy thrown into a world he doesn’t know and is unprepared for, but by the end he’s not only becoming an emperor who will lead well, he’s also creating a family/community around himself and conquering his deep isolation and loneliness.

The K.J. Charles book was a wonderful romance where not everybody’s happily ever after means finding a man but rather finding yourself and your passion and not letting it go. It’s a love story between two wonderful heroes but the women are the ones who bend the rules and find happiness away from the dance of The Marriage Mart and “polite” society.

And the web series I discovered is called The Hot Ones. It’s got like 9 or 10 seasons so I’m late to the game. But it’s an interview show where the interviewer is smart (Sean Evans) and the interviews take place while eating hot wings and I do mean those wings are hot. I love it. Sean is a brilliant interviewer and it’s joy to watch the interviewees start out really confident and then start gulping milk while crying hot tears from the wings.

Anyway, beyond that, I see a new knee doctor tomorrow and I’m hopeful that maybe living in pain will not remain my norm. And work sucks but it usually does so whatever.

My beta fish Sebastian is still alive and colorful. Nino the chihuahua is well and I did some sewing today.

Love to you all out there.


  1. I love it when you love the books I do. :-)

  2. Yay for the vaccination :) Still waiting here but a new lot just landed so hopefully soon.

    Both books sound interesting so of course, on the list they shall go. Mind you, I haven't read anything in forever - well months but it feels like forever - and I need to get back to that. The web series sounds like fun so I'll have to look it up. Glad that Sebastian and Nino are doing well. And yay for sewing. Wish I had talent lol.

    Love back to y'all up there x
